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RTO ID: 22511 CRICOS: 03394G



















Apprenticeships & Traineeships in Hairdressing & Barbering




About Us


Since 2010, the Victorian International Academy (VIA) has been led by a team of award-winning hairdressers who have had 20 years of experience bringing the best of the industry to new students from across the world.

Our Fitzroy training salon is fitted out with modern furnishings and fittings. Our library has a wide range of

essential texts and students have class sets of text books/resources to use. Some other facilities/equipment include, high speed internet connection and free wireless network access in all common areas.


VIA is now offering apprenticeship/traineeship as well as nationally recognised Certificate ll, Certificate lll,

Certificate IV and Diploma level qualification as full time or part time under Hairdressing and Beauty Services Training Package.


The state-of-the-art Victorian International Academy offers the following facilities:

  • Large operating salon for student experience

  • Multi-discipline   classrooms

  • Specialist colour room

  • Luxurious basin training area

  • Photographic studio

  • Fashion show space

  • Professional makeup bar

  • Student locker & catering facilities

  • Student learning library

VIA’s specially designed hairdressing training facilities in Fitzroy, ensures there is an emphasis on providing students with practical training in a working salon.


Students are also able to join industry workshops that are available throughout the year.





Apprenticeships and Traineeships


An Australian Apprenticeship, commonly known as an apprenticeship or traineeship, is a learning pathway that combines paid on-the-job training and formal study with a Registered Training Organisation.


Why an Apprenticeship or Traineeship is important

Employing an Australian Apprentice is a smart investment in the future of your business. Investing in training through an Australian Apprenticeship can provide your business with real benefits and contribute to your bottom line. Staying ahead of the competition is easy when you have the right team with the right skills. Providing training and development is one of the most valuable ways to ensure your workers are motivated and engaged, with the skills and confidence they need to tackle any challenge and grow with your business. A range of financial incentives may be available to you when you employ an eligible Australian Apprentice.


Employer eligibility:

Employers hiring Australian Apprentices may be eligible to receive incentive payments (wage subsidy) under the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program. Incentives are subject to eligibility criteria, waiting periods and time limits being met. Your Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider will assess your eligibility for incentives.


Incentives payments are made at different intervals as per the incentive scheme. Tens of    thousands of employers of Australian Apprentices receive incentives payments from the Australian Government every year.


To apply for Australian Apprentice, the person must be employed either full time or part time with the eligible employer at the time they undertake their apprenticeship.


These incentives are for employers of new or recommencing Australian Apprentices undertaking a Certificate III or higher qualification in a Priority Occupation on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List. The payment also depends upon as to whether the qualification’s employment outcome is under priority occupations list.




The objective of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program is to contribute a highly skilled and relevant Australian workforce that supports economic sustainability and competitiveness.

This is achieved by encouraging:

  • genuine opportunities for skills-based training and development of employees; and

  • people to enter into skills-based training through an Australian Apprenticeship.


The Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program contains a range of payments.


Eligibility criteria apply to all Australian Government Australian Apprenticeships Incentives payments. Further information regarding eligibility can be obtained from your Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider.


The criteria and funding of these payments may change during the term of the Australian Apprenticeship in line with Government priorities. This may result in changed eligibility at the time a payment is due. These changes will be communicated through AASN provider.


National Skills Needs List

The National Skills Needs List identifies occupations that are deemed to be in national skill shortage. The National Skills Needs List is used to determine eligibility for a number of payments available under the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program.

Please refer



Wage subsidy for Employers


  • 10 per cent of wages for first and second year apprentices (up to $1,500 per quarter) and

  • 5 per cent of wages for the third year apprentices (up to $750 per quarter).

Note: These incentives are for employers of new or recommencing Australian Apprentices undertaking a Certificate III or higher qualification in a Priority Occupation on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.


Incentives for Students

Type of Incentive

Value of Incentive


Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment

$1,250 every six months over the first two years of the Australian Apprenticeship (up to $5,000 in total).

Direct financial assistance for Australian Apprentices undertaking a Certificate III or higher qualification in a Priority Occupation on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List to support them to complete their training.

Living Away From Home Allowance (LAFHA)

Up to 12 months of support at the first year rate of $77.17 per week; a further 12 months assistance at the second year rate of $38.59 per week; and a further 12 months assistance at the third year rate of $25 per week.

Australian Apprentices undertaking a Certificate II or higher level qualification may be eligible for the Living Away From Home Allowance if they have to move away from their parental/guardian home for the first time to commence or remain in an Australian Apprenticeship, or are homeless.

Trade Support Loans*

* The Government is pursuing amendments to the Trade Support Loans Act 2014 in order to expand access to all Australian Apprentices on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List. 

Loans of up to $21,779 (2021-22) over the course of the Australian Apprenticeship. 

Australian Apprentices may be eligible to receive financial support to assist with everyday costs while they undertake their training.


Disability Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS)

$104.30 per week for a full time Australian Apprentice, and on a pro-rata scale according to hours worked for a part-time Australian Apprentice.

Provides additional assistance to employers who employ an Australian Apprentice with disability in a Certificate II or higher level qualification.

Off-the-job Tutorial, Mentor and Interpreter Assistance

$38.50 per hour (up to a maximum of $5,500 per year)

Assistance for Tutorial, Mentor and Interpreter Services is available to Registered Training Organisations to support Australian Apprentices with disability who are experiencing difficulty with the off-the-job component of their Australian Apprenticeship because of their disability.





Incentives for the Employers









paid after 3


months of training







paid after 6

months of training






paid after 9           

months of training






paid after 12

months of training



Second year           



paid every

quarter (3months)


Certificate II in Salon Assistant

For trainees in Target Groups**






Certificate III in


For ‘New worker’ full time / part time employees






Certificate III in


For ‘Existing’ full time / part time employees on NSNL






Certificate IV in Hairdressing

For full time / part time employees






Certificate III in

Individual Support 

For ‘New worker’ full time / part time employees






Certificate IV in Ageing Support

For ‘New worker’ full time / part time employees






Certificate IV in Disability

For ‘New worker’ full time / part time employees






Diploma of



For ‘New worker’ full time / part time employees





























Employees get an additional 5% of the apprentices wage’s on the third year, up to a maximum of $750 per quarter


Employers of Australian Apprentices in occupations not on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List may be eligible for a Hiring Incentive of up to a maximum of $3,500 in the first year of an Australian Apprenticeship.


* subject to eligibility requirements as assessed by the AASN provider – other incentives may be available for Adult and Mature aged, School-based, mature aged & disadvantaged, Rural & Regional apprentices/trainees 

# subject to eligibility requirements as assessed by the AASN provider – the Additional Identified Skills Shortage Payment is available to eligible new additional apprentices commencing from 1 July 2019 and their employers, in ten occupations experiencing national skills shortages.  Existing workers and their employers are not eligible for this additional incentive.


** The target groups are: Indigenous Australians; apprentices with a disability; Australian School-based Apprentices; mature age apprentices; rural and regional apprentices; and job seekers with severe barriers to employment.

* All Wage Subsidies and Employer Incentives are assessed by the Apprenticeship Network Provider, please visit: or contact your Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider 

For eligible students, training is delivered with Commonwealth and Victorian Government funding.

Contact VIA for more information:  P: 03 9416 4558, M: 0409 414 445, E:









Apprenticeship/Traineeship Courses


Victorian International Academy offers apprenticeships and traineeships in the following courses under the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.


Course Code

Course Name

Apprenticeship (A), Traineeship (T) or School-Based (SBAT)

Exempt from “Upskilling’ requirement (Y/N)


Certificate II in Salon Assistant




Certificate III in Hairdressing




Certificate III in Barbering




Certificate III in Nail Technology




Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy




Certificate III in Individual Support




Certificate IV in Ageing Support




Certificate IV in Disability




Certificate IV in Mental Health




Diploma of Community Services




An individual undertaking an apprenticeship/traineeship course on the Priority List does not need to comply with the ‘Upskilling’ requirements but must comply with the ‘2 at level in a lifetime’ requirement.


Note:  Employers of new or recommencing Australian Apprentices undertaking a Certificate II or higher level qualification in an occupation that is not on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List or in a Certificate II qualification in an occupation on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List are eligible for wage subsidy of $3,500. This amount is paid in two equal six-monthly instalments ($1,750 each).


Skills First Student Eligibility

Skills First Program

Skills First is a Victorian Government scheme that helps people access vocational education and training to kickstart their career, or create a pathway to further learning. As part of the Skills First program, the Victorian International Academy (VIA), has been contracted to provide government-subsidised training to eligible students. If students are assessed as being eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training.


To be eligible for a government-subsidised place, generally, students will need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, be residing in Victoria for the duration of the course and should be ‘Upskilling’ into a qualification at a  higher level than they already hold – more details are provided below.


In order to be eligible, a student must be:



  1. An Australian citizen;

  2. A holder of a permanent visa; or

  3. A New Zealand citizen; and

Age and prior education:


Either (as at 1 January in the current year):


  1. Under 20 years of age - do not need to be Upskilling;

  2. Over 20 years of age and enrolling in an Apprenticeship (not Traineeship) – do not need to be Upskilling;

  3. Over 20 years of age and enrolling in a Traineeship or Non-Traineeship that is at a higher level than the highest qualification held – Must be Upskilling.


Education history:

Also, the following restrictions apply - students;


  • may only commence two Skills First subsidised courses in a calendar year;

  • may only undertake a maximum of two Skills First subsidised courses at any one time;

  • may only commence a maximum of two government subsidised courses at the same level in their lifetime.


Students who are job seekers/Asylum Seekers may be eligible to access government subsidised training under eligibility exemption initiatives which provide for exemptions under certain.


Students are not eligible for Skills First subsidised training if:


  • they are enrolled in school (unless entering an SBAT contract)


For skills first eligibility requirements please refer




School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

An SBAT offers students the option of combining a senior secondary program with part-time employment, school and training. The program is undertaken under a Training Contract with an employer and has a training plan registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). The training must lead to a nationally recognised qualification.

An SBAT is an integral part of the student’s senior secondary learning program and study timetable. Regular school attendance is combined with a minimum of one timetabled day a week of employment and/or structured training. The time requirements of work and training for the SBAT are undertaken at an average of 13 hours a week over each four- month period, each year. The VRQA is responsible for regulating the minimum hours per week for employment and training for SBATs. The full policy can be accessed at:

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) were introduced in 1998 as a distinct pathway within Vocational Education and Training for School Students. They are available to students:

  • aged 15 years and over, and

  • enrolled in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

  • Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident**

**In certain cases, select non-citizens holding a Bridging Visa E, Temporary Protection Visa or Safe Haven Enterprise Visa may be eligible to undertake a VTG subsidised SBAT.

Both registered schools and Non-School Senior Secondary Providers (NSSPs) are able to offer SBATs to students that meet these criteria.


SBAT arrangements

There are two types of SBATs:

Type A

  • ‘Off the job’ training, which requires at least 13 hours a week (seven hours of paid employment and at least six hours of training) over three periods of four months in each year of the program.

Type B

  • Fully ‘workplace-based’ training where the student undertakes a minimum of 13 hours of paid employment a week.

  • At or above Certificate III level, the student is withdrawn from normal work duties for at least one hour a week to undertake structured training. This one-hour minimum is averaged over a four-week cycle.


Victorian International Academy (VIA) is a registered training organisation (RTO) which offers SBATs in following course:

  • SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant

Scored Assessment and ATAR Contribution

Students undertaking an SBAT would typically not undertake scored assessment in their SBAT qualification. Contribution towards the ATAR would be as a consequence of them achieving a Unit 3 and 4 sequence from their SBAT, which may provide a 10 per cent, 5th or 6th study increment. Students wishing to access a study score from their SBAT qualification would need to complete Units 3 and 4 from the VCE/ VET scored program as a separate enrolment to their SBAT.


Detailed advice on the calculation of the ATAR is available from Victorian Tertiary and Admissions Committee (VTAC) at:


No government funding is provided to the RTO for the student, either through the Victorian Skills First or through school funding, to subsidise training associated with apprenticeships and traineeships.


More information on  School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT)  can be sought from



VIA Courses

SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant - Traineeship Course Length: Part Time (1 year)

This training is available through workplace based training or blended delivery including block release practical training at our Fitzroy campus. Your VIA trainer will visit you in the workplace at regular intervals as part of your training program and to keep you on track, VIA will make monthly contact with both the student and employer to discuss their progress.


To successfully complete this SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant qualification, students must be competent in 12 units of competency, these units include 8 core units and 4 elective units.


Unit Code

Unit Title

Core/ Elective


Contribute to health and safety of self and others



Provide shampoo and basin services



Dry hair to shape



Maintain and organise tools, equipment and work areas



Conduct salon financial transactions



Greet and prepare clients for salon services



Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment



Communicate as part of a salon team



Apply hair colour products



Braid hair



Rinse and neutralise chemically restructured hair



Receive and handle retail stock



Entry requirements

To enter this course as a Trainee, students must be employed, either full-time or part-time in a salon.



On completion of the course, occupations may include; Salon Assistant, Barber Shop Assistant or Students can go into a range of further study options, including Certificate III in Hairdressing and Certificate III in Barbering.


For eligible students, this training is delivered with Commonwealth and Victorian Government funding.




SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing – Apprenticeship Course Length: Full time (2 years), Part Time (3 years)

This training is available through workplace based training or blended delivery including block release practical training

at our Fitzroy campus. Your VIA trainer will visit you in the workplace at regular intervals as part of your training program and to keep you on track, VIA will make monthly contact with both the student and employer to discuss their progress.


To successfully complete this SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing qualification, students must be competent in 28 units of competency, these units include 21 core units and 7 elective units.


Unit Code             Unit Title                                                                                                               Core/ Elective


SHBXCCS002       Provide salon services to clients SHBHBAS001          Perform shampoo and basin services

SHBXIND001        Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment SHBXIND002 Communicate as part of a salon team

SHBHCUT001       Design haircut structures

SHBHCUT002       Create one length or solid haircut structures SHBHCUT003     Create graduated haircut structures SHBHCUT004           Create layered haircut structures SHBHCUT005 Cut hair using over-comb techniques SHBHDES003          Create finished hair designs

SHBHREF002       Straighten and relax hair with chemical treatments SHBHCLS002         Colour and lighten hair

SHBHCLS003       Provide full and partial head highlighting treatments SHBHCLS004       Neutralise unwanted colours and tones

SHBHCLS005       Provide on scalp full head and retouch bleach treatments SHBHIND001           Maintain and organise tools, equipment and work areas SHBXCCS001           Conduct salon financial transactions

SHBHTRI001        Identify and treat hair and scalp conditions SHBHIND003        Develop and expand a client base SHBXWHS001      Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices

BSBSUS201          Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices SHBHCUT006           Create combined haircut structures

SHBHCUT007       Create combined traditional and classic men’s haircut structures SHBHDES004            Create classic long hair up-styles

SHBHCCS001       Plan hair services for special events SHBHREF001    Curl and volumise hair with chemical treatments SHBXCCS004           Recommend products and services SHBHREF003         Straighten and relax hair with protein treatments


Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective





SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing – Apprenticeship (continued) Entry requirements

To enter this course as an Apprentice, students must be employed, either full-time or part-time in a salon.



On completion of the course, occupations may include; Hairdresser, Senior Stylist, Salon Supervisor or Students can go into a range of further study options, including Certificate III in Barbering and SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management or after at least one year post-qualification full time employment experience as a hairdresser in a salon, the student may enrol in SHB40216 Certificate IV in Hairdressing.


For eligible students, this training is delivered with Commonwealth and Victorian Government funding.





SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering – Apprenticeship Course Length: Full time (2 years), Part Time (3 years)

This training is available through workplace based training or blended delivery including block release practical training

at our Fitzroy campus. Your VIA trainer will visit you in the workplace at regular intervals as part of your training program and to keep you on track, VIA will make monthly contact with both the student and employer to discuss their progress.


To successfully complete this SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering qualification, students must be competent in 26 units of competency, these units include 21 core units and 5 elective units.


Unit Code             Unit Title                                                                                                                 Core/ Elective


BSBSUS201         Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices SHBHBAS001            Provide shampoo and basin services

SHBHCUT001      Design haircut structures

SHBHCUT002      Create one length or solid haircut structures SHBHCUT003      Create graduated haircut structures SHBHCUT004           Create layered haircut structures SHBHCUT005 Cut hair using over-comb techniques

SHBHCUT007      Create combined traditional and classic men s haircut structures SHBHCUT009 Cut hair using freehand clipper techniques

SHBHCUT011      Design and maintain beards and moustaches SHBHCUT012    Shave heads and faces

SHBHCUT013      Provide men s general grooming services SHBHDES001          Dry hair to shape

SHBHIND001       Maintain and organise tools, equipment and work areas SHBHIND003  Develop and expand a client base

SHBHTRI001        Identify and treat hair and scalp conditions SHBXCCS001         Conduct salon financial transactions SHBXCCS002        Provide salon services to clients

SHBXIND001       Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment SHBXIND002  Communicate as part of a salon team

SHBXWHS001     Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices SHBHCLS002    Colour and lighten hair

SHBHCLS004      Neutralise unwanted colours and tones SHBHCUT006 Create combined haircut structures

SHBHCLS003      Provide full and partial head highlighting treatments SHBXCCS004       Recommend products and services


Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Elective Elective Elective Elective Elective





SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering – Apprenticeship (continued)


Entry requirements

To enter this course as an Apprentice, students must be employed, either full-time or part-time in a salon.



On completion of the course, occupations may include; Barber, Senior Stylist, Salon Supervisor, Barber Shop

Supervisor or Students can go into a range of further study options, including SHB50216 Diploma of Salon Management.


For eligible students, this training is delivered with Commonwealth and Victorian Government funding.







You may be able to shorten the length of your chosen course by measuring skills acquired through work, life experiences or qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. VIA can also offer RPL and will recognise any Credit Transfers you have previously achieved


Credit Transfer

This means credit towards a qualification granted to participants on the basis of outcomes gained by a participant through participation in courses or nationally recognised qualifications with another Registered Training Provider.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses the competency of a RPL Applicant by reviewing the acquired knowledge and skill of the applicant. This acquired skill and knowledge may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to such an extent that the individual has attained skills and knowledge to meet the requirements specified in the training package or a VET accredited courses.










TOID: 22511 CRICOS #: 03394G











Location: 131 Johnston Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne Victoria, 3065


Phone: +61 (03) 9416 4558

Email: Website:

© 2023 Victorian International Academy.  

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