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View Infection Control Training - Disability/Individual Care

Infection Control Training- HLTSS00065 (Retail Sector)

About the course:

The Infection Control course is being offered to help upskill workers to administer and implement infection control policies and procedures within workplaces. The course will support businesses to reopen safely and continue to control the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) across Victorian businesses.

The HLTSS00065 – Infection Control Skill Set, includes the HLTINFCOV001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures unit of competency has been developed for workers currently employed in the retail sector.


Course Objectives:

Students will gain the following skills to apply infection control procedures to prevent infection in the retail industry environment:
-hand hygiene practices
-effective surface cleaning
-correct use of personal protective equipment
-handling of waste
-hazard identification, control and reporting
-chain of infection
-protocols and responses in the event of an incident


For more information about this program, please visit the Victorian Skills Gateway:


Course Fee:

For eligible students, the cost of this training is funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments, there is no tuition fee for students or employers.


Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the government funded HLTSS00065 – Infection Control Skill Set, you must:
-Be currently employed or volunteering in Victoria in a customer-facing role within the Retail sector
-Have not previously completed an Infection Control Skill Set

Please note:  This course is funded for all eligible workers, irrespective of their citizenship or residency status.  Participating in an Infection Control Skill Set under this initiative will not impact your future Entitlement to Funded training under the Skills First Program.


Suitable for:

➢ Sales Assistants
➢ Customer Service Representative
➢ Cashier Operators
➢ Retail Assistant
➢ Salon Assistants
➢ Retail Store Workers
➢ Supermarket Sales Assistants
➢ Retail Store Supervisors
➢ Hairdressers
➢ Retail Sales Workers
➢ Beauty Salon Workers
➢ Barbers


Entry Requirements:

Each student will undertake a Pre-Training Review before enrolling to help confirm the proposed course is suitable. It will provide valuable information about an individual’s existing skills and knowledge, language, literacy and numeracy skills and whether the course will help in achieving learning and/or employment goals.


Delivery mode:

Blended (Online and Practical)


Course Duration:

-Online Pre-Learning:  2 hours
-Online Workshop:  2 hours
-Face-to-face class:  2 hours
-Practical observation and assessment (virtual and/or workplace):  6 hours
-Online study and assessment: approximately:  13 hours

Total:  25 hours

You will have four weeks, from the date of your enrolment, to complete this course.


Assessment Methods:

Assessment methods will include:
Short answer quizzes (online), Case Study questions (online), Role Play (face-to-face class), Demonstration/Observation (workplace)

A statement of attainment will be issued upon completion of your course.


Infection Control _ Retail
Infection Control Video Retail
Infection Control Enrolment Form Retail
Are you a Victorian resident?
Are you currently working in the disability/individual support care sector or the aged care sector?
Are you currently working in the retail industry, (hairdresser, supermarket, retail worker)?
Is this the first accredited Infection control Skill Set you have completed

*** If you answered "NO" to any of the questions abouve, you can still enrol in this course, but you are not eligible for a free government funded place. 

Personal Details

Next of Kin / Emergency Contact

Australian Residency Status

Language and Cultural Diversity

Do you speak any other language other than english at home?
Are you of aboriginal or torres strait islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, mark BOTH.)

If yes, you are also eligible for a concession fee for the course. 


Do you consider yourself to have a disability or impairment or long term condition?
If you chose YES, please indicate the aras of disability, mpairment or long-term condition (You may make multiple selections)

Concession Eligibility  (Not Applicable to Diploma of Salon Management) 

IF YES, Indicate below and present your original card or certified copy to your VIA Enrolment officer - We are required to keep a copy on file a evidene of your eligibility for a concession fee.

Education History

Are you still attending secondary school?
What is your highest COMPLETED school level?

(e.g. if you finished school when you were 15, add 15 to the year you were born, 15 + 1968 = 1983 )

Previous Qualifications Achieved

Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications? Choose all that apply.
IF YES, Please tick all of the relevant qualifications -and- whether Australian (A), Australian Equivalent (E), International (I)

Reason for Study

Please tick which of the following categories BEST describes your main reason for undertaking tihis program. PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY.
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